Wednesday, March 13, 2013

No Fishy business...

Now how about that?!
He is amazing and at the same time....I'll leave it to you to call it!

So why am I showing you this? The year is 2013, technology is so advanced - only during my lifetime the phone has turned from something plugged into the wall to a light as a feather device that fits into the palm of your hand and performs as a computer, phone, camera and hundreds of other things, 30 years ago we thought impossible! We have the Internet - such a powerful space for knowledge and yet I see videos like that every single day!
Where did we go wrong?
How is it possible that there are still people who are completely uneducated about how your body works naturally, how to do and not to do things so you do not injure yourself?!

There are a few very basic rules:

  • Your body is a temple, treat it like one! 
  • Joints are for life! No spare parts in the local mechanic shop and NO surgery will ever give you what you lost!
  • Use big compound functional exercises that replicate your natural, body, everyday movements!
  • Do not do second best exercises!

So you are given one life and how many bodies can you use during that time??? .....
So if you have one only then why destroying it rather that strengthening it!
Do you know how long the road of rehabilitation is once you've injured yourself?
Do you know what a set back you are trapping yourself into - not only physically but psychologically, as well?
At the end of the day what's the point of working out so you can look fabulous, sexy, delicious, tough, healthy and fit and then do it in a way that could potentially take you out of training for months or even years?!
The PRICE is too high........
Just look at this brave man doing his FISHY exercise... YOU don't need a degree in Fitness to get a pretty clear idea of the injuries he is asking for by doing it....

Are you doing FISHY exercises???
Just answer yourself this: When in real life could he possibly use this move and what for? next time you choose an exercise ask yourself the same question! if you don't have an  answer then don't do it!
It is as simple as that!

Now, I know you might tell me that you see some athletes, sportsmen do crazy moves and exercises but that's them NOT YOU! They are training for a specific goal and have been doing it since they were children, they have trainers who look after them, they have lots of other support and yet they stop being as active at an age that we normally consider young. Why? Because the body is worn out. So what chances do you think you have?
The biggest dangers come from our determination, not knowing what and how to perform exercises and .....get that.... Being YOUNG!
When we are young we don't get tired, we can bare anything, we are bold and stupid, we think that our body is gonna be like that till the day we die and nothing can possibly harm us...... well..............Don't be silly!
It is what we do during our youth that determines how we live the rest of our life! It's very simple: If you want to have good, fit, healthy, strong, pain free body for the rest of your life than be smart with your exercise choices.
When you have an injury and pain becomes part of you then I promise you your life will seem 500 years long and be very miserable.

What kind of life do you want for Yourself...Long, happy, healthy, fit and strong or just while you are young and then whatever comes....usually a couch, pain, physio, lots of expenses on painkillers and doctors, feeling down and not being 100% functional?
Do you want to be able to play and run with your kinds and grand kinds, to do everything you love and enjoy life to the fullest or just watch the life past by you?

.....And this is when a Personal Trainer comes in.....That is why you cannot afford not having one! Everyone needs a trainer! EVERYONE!

Be SMART and NO Fishy business!

"With discipline, belief and the right knowledge, we become the best we can be"


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Don't ignore the basics....

Sooo....this is my first time doing this so I'll try to make sense of it as much as possible and you will let me know how well I did!
The whole point of this is that I would like to make the journey to a better health and fitness easier to understand and accomplish. Not only succeed in it but do it in a way that fits you, your lifestyle, your personality!
The beauty of being Human is that we are all so Unique, Amazing, Interesting, Diversatile, Simple and yet so Complex. We are all so beautiful in so many ways that no one can ever be like anybody else nor they should wish to be! The BEST thing about being YOU is that no one else can possibly be YOU! So embrace your UNIQUENESS and be proud of it!

So WHY then we think that the same type of thing will affect us all exactly the same way?But that's just silly to think....  "ONE size fits ALL".....REALLY?
Why do people believe in all those diets that are absolutely silly because they can't possibly  fit all types of bodies, life styles, your own metabolism....what happens if your metabolism is faster than mine, what if you cannot tolerate some of the ingredients for one reason or another, what if your personal metabolic rate is higher than the one the diet is meant for....Are you helping yourself to be fit, healthy and strong or are you actually doing damage?
So many people had shared with me their opinion and experiences with one and the same diet! Some loved it and thought it was the best thing they've ever done and others had quite the opposite experience.....
So how do you choose what diet to go on?....... OK! I just cannot stress this ENOUGH....


and have you seen those gym equipment machines that look like a piece of furniture and you stand next to it completely clueless what to do with it? Train with it, sleep on it or what....
Everyday I see on TV a new "Super Cool, Best Results EVER" machine! But they said the same thing 6 months ago about another one....Oh, I'm getting confused now...
Please don't be confused! Human body has been the same for thousands of years and will continue being the same for many more. The skeleton hasn't changed, the muscles haven't changed so why are we trying to run away from our basics?

I know that common sense isn't really common but Please try to use it next time you decide to take on the newest diet in your favourite magazine or want to buy the newest "SUPER tightening ABS machine" or try doing an exercise that almost look like Cirque du Soleil move!

I will go into depths on both nutrition and exercise in my next blogs so make sure you stay tuned!  It's really life changing Goodness!

TIP: The BEST exercise you can do anywhere anytime in front of anyone is...SMILE :D
SMILE with your face, SMILE with your heart, SMILE with your body....
